What are integrated wealth management services? Integrated wealth management service means that as advisors we consider how actions taken in one type of planning strategy may affect other types of planning.  As an integrated wealth service provider, Wiley Bros.-Aintree Capital is a resource for all things financial.

Part of providing integrated wealth services is to help clients explore certain types of illiquid securities which if suitable have the potential for higher returns than liquid alternatives.

By looking at clients’ wealth management and planning strategies as a whole, instead of focusing on each strategy separately, Wiley Bros.-Aintree Capital can help to achieve goals more effectively. Within that overall view, we offer a variety of planning services that can be customized to meet specific client needs.

Financial Planning

Financial Planning is often a concept associated with individual investors; however the best financial plans involve the whole family. The quality of a financial plan involves much more than a nicely bound document. It serves as the foundation from which to create retirement, insurance, tax, estate, and business succession plans.

A plan should be flexible enough to adapt to changes in family circumstances, to provide liquidity for unexpected events, and to serve as a centralized management tool for all aspects of wealth.

Just as financial plans are created to centralize the entire wealth management approach, a Wiley Bros.-Aintree Capital advisor is central in each client’s financial planning.  The role of the advisor is to ensure that the financial plan fits each client’s needs, that success is measured according to each client’s standards, and that each client’s best interest is the foundation of every investment decision.

Retirement Planning

The face of retirement is changing, and therefore, retirement planning must adapt. In today’s world, retirement means something entirely different than it did for previous generations.

As people are living longer, perceptions of what retirement life should be are changing.  As such, retirement planning conversations with advisors must also change. Wiley Bros.-Aintree Capital advisors can help to navigate retirement options based on each client’s view of an ideal retirement lifestyle.

Estate Planning

In the last few years, there have been radical changes to estate tax laws. One benefit of the new laws is that people have taken action to address estate planning needs.

Reviewing estate plans, and updating if necessary, is important not only because of recent tax laws, but also because of expected and unexpected life events which can drastically change financial circumstances.

Blended families—families that include children from a previous marriage—are becoming more prevalent.  These blended families make estate planning an essential wealth management tool. Estate plans ensure that the wishes of the decedent are realized. They also anchor succession and transition plans so that specific family needs remain relevant.

Wiley Bros.-Aintree Capital is equipped to set up and service estate accounts.  Our brokers can further assist heirs with ongoing investment needs after an estate account has been closed.

Tax Planning

Taxes are a sensitive topic when it comes to wealth management. It is easy to fall into the trap of making investment decisions based on tax considerations. It is also easy to only focus on one form of tax.

Estate taxes, income taxes, dividend taxes, capital gains taxes— each form has different implications for wealth.  Each type of tax needs to be uniquely managed with overall client goals in mind.

Understanding how to weigh tax implications, within investment planning decisions, is an essential component of wealth management. In some cases, it may be more beneficial to pay a tax than to make a poor investment decision. At Wiley Bros.-Aintree Capital, we base our decisions on all relevant factors presented to us by clients.  We understand that taxes can profoundly impact a client’s financial future.

Insurance Planning

Insurance planning impacts many other types of financial planning.  For example, an insurance trust may be a helpful tool for an estate plan. Other types of insurance may be helpful in retirement planning.

Whatever the insurance need, we can assist in utilizing the right forms of insurance for the appropriate purposes. In partnership with financial, retirement, and estate plans, insurance planning rounds out wealth management strategies and may provide or enable options that might not otherwise be available.

Wiley Bros.-Aintree Capital, has multiple planning strategies available that can be utilized in a number of ways for clients.